The Wrike Project Management App & What it Can Do for You

Wrike might just be the best app I’ve downloaded this year, and I’m not one known to exaggerate. As a seasoned Project Manager for a small firm, I had been been searching for a good project management app or tool some time; one that would enable me to effectively manage my, as well as my employees’ tasks. I am often out of the office and I was looking for something that would assist me in delegating tasks remotely and more efficiently.

The Wrike Project Management App

I must admit that I was rather skeptical as I downloaded the app to my tablet because I had been burned one too many times in the past with previous applications that had been an utter waste of time (and bandwidth).

Not being much of a technical genius, I found the app really easy to use right from the beginning. In our company, we often need to share documents and files and it is just not time efficient to archive files in email threads. After my staff had downloaded Wrike to their computers and tablets, we were able to effortlessly share documents and files related to current and upcoming projects with each other.

Because of Wrike, I am finally able to ditch my scruffy diary! I can assign tasks to staff members and monitor their progress in real time (I never did enjoy using my email’s task scheduler). When I’m out of the office, I can also have virtual meetings with my team and discuss current work issues via Wrike. If, for any reason, we need to extend a project timeline, we can do so in the Wrike app, and everyone can see the change so there is no confusion.

Another reason I simply love Wrike is it’s so easy to use on-the-go. When I’m stuck in traffic and suddenly think of something I’ve forgotten, it is so easy to attach a file, photo, image or file from my phone to our shared drive.

I can honestly say that this app has made my life so much easier because I can lie in bed an extra half an hour each morning with an extra coffee and go over my to-do list. I was never able to do that before!

Possibly my favorite part of this app is the fact that I can give my tasks multiple categories and see the relevant files at a glance. I can also integrate the app across all my devices.

While the app is not free (the subscription fee is $99 per month for us as we have more than 15 users), I feel that the money is well worth it as we get 5GB in file storage and the time saved is priceless!

In summary, I would highly recommend the Wrike app for anyone looking to revolutionize the way they work. If you’re still not sure, try out their free demo app to see for yourself!

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