Software testing is a crucial element in ensuring that a computer program, product, or application is bug free. In the process of testing, valuable information is obtained which can greatly increase revenue by helping to retain online consumers. It is quite frustrating to website users when they are delayed or inconvenienced because of a less than adequately functioning site. As a result, they will simply go to another ecommerce venue to obtain what they need, costing the original company a customer and profit. More information on what software testing is can be found in this article.

The Reasons Software Testing is Under Valued

Often, companies initially fail to see the actual worth of software testing. The project is up and going, and the end is so near that they are anxious to see their website launch and begin to bring in revenue. While this is understandable, the avoidance of testing a website is truly counterproductive and can cost quite a bit more in profit than would be lost if the testing was adequately performed before the site launch.

Other common complaints regarding software testing are that it simply costs too much. This theory coupled with the fact that testing isn’t foolproof further backs up a company’s belief that this is nothing more than money down the drain.  While these are understandable concerns, they do not really give proper credence to the cash, time, and energy that can be saved through proper software testing. Check out this article for excellent information on ways to avoid testing failure.

The Solution: Avoid Testing Failures

It is true that there are many ways that testing failures can occur, and with this in mind, it is understandable why many companies are hesitant to throw everything they have into the testing process. That is why avoiding testing failures altogether is essential. Doing so helps to eliminate going into the red budget-wise, as well as missing integral problems because of programming errors early on. The key is to hone in on the project at hand and use precautionary measures to avoid testing failures from the get-go. Many companies, such as BugFinders Outsourced Testing, are proactively addressing testing failures.

1. Make the Tested Business the Primary Focus

First and foremost, it is necessary to realize that the business, not the testing itself, is the primary focus. While testing is undoubtedly important, the business must dictate what testing is performed and when. This sort of disciplined approach will ensure that the product achieved is of the utmost quality.

2. Carefully Plan Testing

Collaboration between development and testing teams is of the utmost importance in strategizing a well-laid test optimization plan. The goal is that every area is covered, but not redundantly so. Not only is redundant testing a waste of time, it can also blow a budget. Take a page from the development book and reuse. Simply test the object once. Afterwards, test the implementation on other screens. Not only is the deadline met, but it can be met under budget.

3. Don’t Lose Sight of the Objective

The objective of testing is not to prove how wonderfully perfect a system already is. It is integral not to forget this key testing component. The objective, rather, is to find any flaws that may be there and exploit them. Try to break the system. In so doing, more errors will be found than when testers are looking to prove the solidity of the system.

4. Continual Testing

It isn’t uncommon for companies to invest in testing during initial development, and to avoid further testing if at all possible. Most often, the budget is the reason for this oversight. However, it is highly valuable that testing be completed for each and every minor and major release. Doing so maintains the integrity of the system.

5. Remember Testing Breadth in Addition to Depth

Positive critical cases are the breadth. Test cases for a module are depth. In order to fully test both depth and breadth, execution must be a priority. When it isn’t, the danger of testing only depth is eminent. However, keeping execution at the forefront allows the testing team to support the business objectives better. Efficiency is important, but not at the expense of effectiveness.

Testing is crucial to the success of a business. However, testing failures cause companies to shy away from proper testing procedures. The above will help to avoid these failures. More tips can be found here.

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