It is not uncommon to feel like after several years of operating a business, the creative appeal of the business appears to be dimmed or dull. A breath of creativity and innovation will liven the brand and its’ image, as it creates excitement and anticipation while solidifying the perceived image of the brand. One of the main concerns about implementing new business marketing plans when introducing new ideas of creativity involves the marketing costs- which are usually expensive. Fortunately, there are various low-cost ways to invigorate some excitement and creativity into your business that are effective but light on the wallet.

Create a Savvy Network Of Social Media Platforms

The creation of Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter, Instagram, Snapshot, WordPress and Pinterest leveled the playing field between big corporations and small businesses. Now, small businesses can cultivate just as big of an audience with their own innovative products, ideas and services. The power of social media marketing is to optimize the connectivity of your various profiles. It is very beneficial to create a visual brand that is recognizable and to duplicate that across all of your profiles while still maintaining the individuality of each one. While you may decide to hire an artist or designer to create a design fit for your brand, it’s possible to use various programs to do it yourself.

Regardless, it is inexpensive to integrate your social media platforms because the cost of design would be the only cost involved. Install free plugins and enhancements across all of the various platforms that are designed to make the task of sharing your content easily. For instance, there are plugins that puts the other social media icons on not only your blog, but you are YouTube videos and your Pinterest images. The options in these tools are limitless, and most of them are free. The ones that are not only cost a few dollars, so this is a very inexpensive way to add creativity to your contents as well as your overall marketing campaign online.

Publish Videos That Have Mass Appeal

Another way that social media has affected the way small businesses creatively market their products and services is by enhancing the sharing ability of videos. It used to be that you had to record something, edited they publish it on a site like YouTube, or directly on your Facebook timeline. Now, we even have the option to go live and create a channel of viewers who watch us in the present and live moment. As long as the videos are funny, entertaining, informational, educational or otherwise interesting, your only task of concern that must remain constant is the marketing of the videos. Some videos go viral on their own while others may need repeated posting just to gather a handful of shares. The idea is to identify the type of content that your audience responds to. Then, continue to make that content in different ways that creates the same effect. Pretty quickly, you will increase your audience reach as the shares are re-shared and then we shared again, bringing in three or four more visitors that all came first just that first share.

Rehash Old Content

Global algorithms change constantly. The most recent update affected a lot of websites because the way that Google ranked the quality of the contents became more discerning, requiring informative and authoritative information that introduce original perspectives. With that being said, it is not necessary to create brand-new contents in order to add some creativity to your business. In fact, an effective technique use is taking old contents and refreshing it with an improved and elaborated perspective. It does not have to be expensive. But rehashing old content will liven up the brand, image and published contents. It will also gain positive recognition from Google resulting in your page being displayed high in the results and not being punished for lack of quality.

Create A Customer Loyalty Program

Creating a customer loyalty program can do a couple different things. It adds a flare to your business, but it also encourages your customers to do business with you more frequently. It may also encourage them to refer business to you, as a loyalty card is a great icebreaker for conversation with their friends. This type of word of mouth and direct advertising can marginally increase the consumer base of your business. Incorporating the loyalty program is not difficult.

Many companies offer quality design of loyalty cards online. One of them is Office Depot & OfficeMax which offer coupons and promo codes that can discount the price so it is both simple and inexpensive to create, order and purchase the cards. Once your cards are ready and you start distributing them to your current customers, offer them something for free on their next visit and watch as your flow of business skyrockets from this small touch of creativity.

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