Sometimes transferring a domain name cannot be helped. As much as we want to stay with our current host, certain situations would just require you to move. For instance, if your company wants to try out other domain hosts as part of your initiative to improve online efforts.
However, it is not exactly easy to do. Certain steps will have to be fulfilled by you or a specialist. The easiest task would be determining whether the domain is yours or not. Did you buy the domain or did you hire web page creators and they bought it to cater to you? If it is the latter, you may have to discuss buying it from them. But if it is the former, you may proceed with these steps on how to transfer domain name to a new web host.
Look for a new web host
Think of this step as house hunting, where do you want to settle? Make sure that when you are looking for a host though, just like with a house, you intend to stay there for a long time. There are a couple of factors you should consider when choosing a new web host:
- Is the cost reasonable?
- Does it have a reliable server?
- What is the uptime score?
- Will it allow you to hold multiple domains?
- Does it have features that will fit the website’s purpose? (i.e. eCommerce features for business site)
These are just some of the factors that may come into play when you are considering which web host to choose.
Retrieve your database files and transfer to the new web host
If you are using WordPress, this is easy to do because of the import/export capability offered by the web application. In this way, you can just directly transfer the files to the new host. If not, all you need to do is install web applications to your new host that can easily read your database file and proceed with transferring it. You might need to configure your MySQL and PHP files though, so make sure you are doing this with a specialist nearby to make sure nothing happens to the files.
Make final checks before finalizing your move
Before you make the move permanent, make sure that the website is working properly first. You have already loaded the necessary files for the final checks to be possible, all you need to do is preview the website through a temporary URL.
There are some web hosts who allow users to create a staging platform. This is where you can view and edit your website before making it live. If yours offers this feature, make sure to take advantage of it. See if there are problems, whether in the new hosting configuration or on the website content, that needs to be remedied.
Fix the DNS pointing
Your DNS record is what redirects the user to your website as it moves web hosts. So instead of getting an error page when they enter your website, they will automatically be moved to where your website is currently hosted. This is especially important if you changed domain names as well. Just switch the DNS record of your website to the servers of the new web host.
Once you have sent the request to move the DNS record, all you need to do is wait for the switch to happens. The switch happens in a couple of hours or a full day.
Remember that transferring your domain to a new web host is normal. There are some who would do it countless times, checking which web host fits the purpose of their website. So if you are looking to improve your online presence, this is certainly something you should consider.