The Basic Rudiments of Tech Blogging
To learn to create a well-organized and sophisticated tech blog for a more advanced audience there are a few basic rudiments of tech blogging. These include:
- Blog Focus
- Blog Audience
- Blog Information
- Blog Vitality
Technical Blog Focus
To learn to create a blog for the technically savvy, the blog focus is important. In order to attract the right technical targets, the blog should not be so divergent that it can’t become a magnet for specific types of technical interests. For example, blog focus could be based on subjects like solar energy, new advancements in drone technology, medical and pharmaceutical breakthroughs or the rise of hi-tech security breaches.
The Technical Blog Audience
Once the blog focus is chosen, the next step is to design the blog content to attract the most sophisticated audience. For many specific hi-tech topics, this is not as difficult as might be imagined. Techies in graphic and digital arts, video game raconteurs and individuals who design hi-tech business security systems always prefer to visit blogs they know provide interaction with others in their specific technical field. The sophisticated audience finds much enjoyment becoming a member of a blog with others with like interests. The key to developing a sophisticated audience is to begin with a core group of techies. If these technical blog community members are recognized within their technical field, this can be a drawing card for others. The wider the spread of sophisticated members, the more growth potential and staying power the blog will have.
Technical Blog Information
If there is one thing to learn to create a blog for tech savvy individuals, it is to be absolutely certain of your information sources. The type of information provided on your technical blog can be strictly informative or can allow for an open, proactive forum that helps create regular participants in forums and forum discussions. It may also help to include a regular segment of technical blog information from a guest blogger with specific technical knowledge. For example, choose a current or retired NASA aeronautical engineer for this type of technical blogging. Another example is a security systems analyst who can be a guest blogger and answers forum questions. If the blog is designed to be presented in real time, choose a guest speaker who can provide information via Skype.
The Well-Organized and Sophisticated Tech Blog
All blogs, technical or otherwise, need to be well-organized and sophisticated to suit the needs of the technical blog guests and regulars. The design should be consistent. For example, if there is technical news to announce, this is a good introduction to the rest of the blog. Technical blog introductions are the easy part of blogging. Providing the rest of the content can be somewhat overwhelming without a well-organized blog plan. Break the blog design into compartments beginning with an introduction as a lead in. A sample technical blog design plan may include:
- Introduction or announcement
- Additional information on announcements or addenda to the introduction
- Blog community address to encourage participation
- Blog member input
- Lead in to the next technical blog content
- Blog member reviews
For technical blogs, format and a consistent style are important. Format and style help blog community members to fit into the design of the blog and its purpose. It also allows blog guests and regulars to understand blog direction. Consistency is crucial to maintain a well-organized and sophisticated tech blog for a more advanced audience. In fact, your more advanced audience will expect the format and style to be as advanced as the audience. Anything less than a sophisticated style and format is likely to cause loss of blog community membership.
By organizing a technical blog and creating a unique blog style, the basic blog template becomes a solid design for future blogs.
Choosing Technical Topics to Retain Blog Member Interest
If the technical topics of blog information add interest to the more advanced audience, the audience will expect these topics to be cumulative and encourage continued interest. Choose technical topics that can be spread over a span of time to insure the advanced audience doesn’t lose interest. All topics should be thoroughly vetted and checked for accuracy before publishing to the blog site. The worst-case scenario for a tech blog is to publish information that blog members can easily question. If you provide direct sources of your technical information, this may increase the interest and input of the advanced blog members of the audience.
Blog Member Reviews
To get an idea of the reception from your more advanced blog audience regarding your well-organized and sophisticated tech blog, allow blog members to review each blog published. This will require creating an online review form. It helps the blog manager to learn the quality of the content and information presented and also opinions of blog members. Obviously, the blog manager should be as technically savvy as the advanced audience in order to properly process blog member reviews. These reviews can be in the form of questions and answers related to rating technical topics, sources of blog information and content and overall quality of the blog format. In addition, add a section of blog member review forms that encourage members to select a topic or guest blogger for future blogs.
Blog Consistency and Uniformity
In the technical world, the more advanced audiences can be very discerning about the type of blog they will take the time to visit. Topics for technical blogs are like a wagon wheel with spokes. The topic may have a central frame and then branch out into relative segments. If style and format consistency are essential, uniformity is equally essential to a well-organized and sophisticated tech blog that will attract the most advanced audiences. Consistency and uniformity doesn’t have to lapse into boring topics, formats or style. These are simply the framework upon which a technical blog relies to produce positive reactions from a very discerning technical audience.