It can be hard to work small projects into your schedule if you are a web designer or engineer. You may need to take on larger clients to be profitable, but not have time left to make small sites for clients who have much simpler needs. These smaller clients can become a profitable source of revenue if you are smart about how you plan and execute those projects. One of the ways to help you do it is through website reselling programs.
What Site Reselling Is
Many website service providers enable design or coding pros to resell sites based on their architecture and designs. You can take advantage of the work they have put into their site and set up small web projects using their infrastructure. Then you can customize the site for your client without having to first build the entire site from scratch.
This is a much faster way to put a site online than starting from the beginning. For a lot of small sites which do not have complex coding or design needs, many website providers offer sufficient solutions. You can use your judgment for what a small client needs and set up a reseller site that will serve their purposes, at a cost savings to them and without taking up a lot of your billable time.
How to Get Started with Site Reselling
A lot of major internet site providers offer programs for website resellers. Start with any type of site or architecture you are familiar with, but also look for new providers who may offer great website building tools at competitive costs. Do your research to find out of a particular site host has good quality products and stellar customer service.
If your client has issues with their site, you want to make sure you can resolve those issues quickly and you may need to contact the site provider for customer service or technical help. But even better than good access to customer service is a site provider who offers rock-solid hosting and site software. When you create a simple site, it should just work.
Future-Proof Your Work
When you are considering reseller programs, don’t put your future self into a bind by designing sites that won’t move with the times. Make sure that the site hosting providers you consider also offer good mobile site designs and functionality. If your site provider uses responsive design principles in the sites they set up and host, then you can be sure that the websites you create for your clients will work well on both traditional and mobile platforms from the start, without having to invest any extra work or time to get a mobile site up and running.
Website reseller programs can be a great way to serve small clients without breaking the bank or offering lower quality in your services. Take advantage of a good site provider to package sites for sale to your clients which will serve their needs while saving you time and earning you money.