The Value of Having an FAQ Tab on Your Website

The web design world is full of advice on what and what not to do in regards to presentation and function. Though the online world is changing every day, there are definitely certain rules that need to be abided to in order for functionality to be able to run it’s course.

In the realm of creativity, the world is your stage, the internet-your conduit, your presentation-your art. Be free to create whatever you desire to get your intention across. But take notice that there are certain building blocks even within creative license that must be present for the greater good of the whole.

One such building block is the Frequently Asked Questions, or FAQ tab on your website. If you don’t have one present-you should. Here’s why:

You’ll Save Yourself Time

If you’re a small business and you’re running most everything by yourself, or if you’re a larger entity starting to find it’s footing as a self-sufficient machine, having a FAQ tab on your website is going to save your priceless time. Chances are good that if one person has a question, several more people have that same question. By putting up a tab that states the most asked questions about your business or product clearly, you won’t have to spend your time answering the same question over and over and over again.

You’ll Save Yourself Money

Saving yourself time in this regard directly leads into the next resource you will save with an FAQ tab. It’s money. You’ll save yourself a crazy amount of money. Time is money-obviously this has been established in today’s world. You’re probably paying somebody to answer emails and phone calls and most of these questions asked on the customer support line are ones that could have been answered with a simple FAQ page.

Therefore, by having an FAQ page, you cut the amount of calls coming in significantly, again saving yourself time, which is money, and saving yourself the expense of a million employees who must be trained and paid to sit there and answer the questions that otherwise could have been answered on the FAQ page that you don’t have.

What should an FAQ page have? A good example is on this website that helps business manage their sales and proposals. It might be rather tricky to understand before you go to their clearly formatted FAQ page, but upon clicking the link, every question you have is answered with another click of a link and a little light reading.

In short, your FAQ page should answer who you are, what you do, how your software works, and any other questions that are pertinent to the running of your web page and business. If you’ve been asked to clarify the same thing time and time again, chances are it needs to be on your FAQ page..since it’s a frequently asked question and all.