Wanting to publish video content on your website is great – but have you stopped to consider whether or not your web design is built for it? If it isn’t your videos may struggle to live up to their potential, and their impact may be diminished.

The good news is that it isn’t really that difficult to optimize a web design for video content, and you can start with three very easy steps:
Make place for the video above the fold
When you publish video content, it is always best to position it front and center – meaning your web design should have space for it above the fold. That way viewers won’t have to scroll to find, click, and play it.
Typically it is best to position your video content right below the title. If possible you should make sure the entire video player is above the fold, or at least a significant enough portion of it that it can be clicked on easily.
On top of that you could use the scrollIntoView HTML DOM method to make sure the full video is visible when it is clicked.
Place the video on a clean and solid background
Videos can make your webpage look a lot more ‘busy’, which is why a clean web design can help. More importantly however the background that the video is placed on should be clean, and ideally consist of a solid neutral color that doesn’t distract viewers from the video.
If the background of your webpage is an image or pattern, it may be worth adding an element to house the video content that has a solid background. That element should have sufficient padding on all sides to make it look clean.
Pay close attention to the page speed
As you start to publish video content you should keep track of the page speed of your webpage. If it is affected, you may want to take other steps to improve the page speed – such as optimizing or reducing the number of images that are on the page.
Videos that are set to autoplay are notorious for increasing the time it takes to load webpages. Considering autoplay tends to annoy viewers as well, it is generally best to stay away from it.
Keep in mind that page speed is important not only because it affects the user experience, but also your website’s SEO.
Once you’ve optimized your web design, you can go ahead and create and publish video content and be assured it will live up to its potential. If you want you could easily record conventional videos, or use a screen recorder such as Movavi Screen Recorder Studio to produce the content that you need.
As you can see the steps listed above are relatively easy, and yet the impact they have will be noticeable. Overall they should allow your videos to attract more attention and engage viewers far more effectively so that you can truly capitalize on them.