Web design has had a pretty quick evolution. The internet is only just over 25 years old, so the world has been transformed from a place that only existed within immediate borders, to existing to everyone with the click of a button and an internet connection.
Websites are an amazing tool for everyone. They allow commerce to be easily performed and anybody with something to say has a format on which to say it. On the World Wide Web, somebody is always looking. With this being said, it can be difficult to have your website be relevant in the mass of movement and change.
What was good yesterday might not be the way things are run today. It’s up to you to do your research as to keep up with the times. If you’re irrelevant, you might as well not exist in the world of buying and selling. Here are the characteristics a website needs in 2016.
A Hero Image
The internet has been transformed from a plain, boring database to an artist expression of information and ideas. People love to be visually intrigued or stimulated. If your sight lacks visual appeal, people won’t like your sight, simple as that. To avoid this, many people use a hero image.
A hero image is a large inspirational image meant to draw the viewer in and get them to keep scrolling. More often than not, there is a call to action phrase positioned over the image. iCliniq does a great job at this, as does Ghost. Notice the font is large and easy to read, and the call to action is presented in such a way that the viewer won’t easily miss it.
An Intriguing Vide
People nowadays are hard to please. They always have to be drawn into something and that something has to keep their attention every moment or else they’ll get bored and do something else. In 2016 it’s direly important that you have a video on your website.
People process video faster than they process text. If you have 5 pages of words explaining who you are and why you do what you do, people won’t care. However, if you have a well done video explaining the same thing, you’ll win. Every time.
A Great Presentation
Possibly the most important characteristic your website needs to have is the ability to morph to different devices. It’s called a responsive website. Responsiveness means that no matter the device, computer, laptop, mobile phone, or tablet, people can experience your website in a clean, easy, uninhibited way. If they’re having to scroll in and out and all around to find the logout button, you’re doing it wrong.