Regardless of the products or services offered, a key point of marketing your financial business is consistent branding. It’s important to build a good impression with your audience by producing an effective message across all mediums.
Accountants, banking and financial experts are no different. They use branding across all of their marketing materials, from their websites and social media to their folders and business cards. When creating a brand for your business, one thing that shouldn’t be neglected is the envelope.
While the contents are important, it’s the envelope that protects the contents and entices people to check them out. A great envelope design will get recipients excited to open them. This is critical for accountants and financial experts because they typically send paperwork that needs signatures. In addition, many people save their bank documents in those envelopes. Having a professional envelope design will remind clients what it holds and whom they should contact for additional services.
Just because it’s an envelope doesn’t mean your design should be limited to the return address section. Some things you can do include coloring the flap to match your brand’s color scheme, using a large logo or using various imprint methods such as foil stamping or embossing. Do you need some inspiration? Check out these 17 designs to spark your creativity.