Creative block is an inherent part of any creative assignment and to overcome the block is a challenge which we need to win over. Here we discuss a few of the tried and tested creativity techniques that have proved to be constructive in beating creative block.
Most creative personnel tend to be affected by their overzealous effort to try being creative every day. Do they get better? Yes, they do for sure but not without the usual share of creative blocks, which however if rehearsed in a creative thinking process can lead to a solution.
So, what actually is the creative thinking process? Well, it starts with first defining the exact problem, then collecting information and gain knowledge, and then reason and analyze possible solution to the problem. And Voila! You just got over your creative block.
Now, it is important for you to identify what instigates and in which phase you have your creative block. This will help you find a solution as to what kind of creative block is causing the problem. Studies have shown that defining your creative block takes you half the way in defeating it. So, once you recognize in which phase you are intercepted with a block, and suppose it is defined that you are mostly troubled by emotional block – then it calls for you to take a break and focus on logical thinking process to solve the problem.
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One of the most challenging of the creative blocks faced by designers is the Intellectual Block, as it calls for rehearsals and refinement to combat it. This is so because an individual with intellectual block is perceived to have problems with strategy, inducement and communication. These problems in spite of not being precisely related to creativity can however influence your creative process.
Right Thinking Process is the Key
Creative people like designers are believed to be proficient observers with a great visual mind that allow them to put their visual thinking into analytic context. It is important to choose the right thinking process as that holds the key to restricting intellectual block. Some might be good at mathematical thinking, while other might have a flair for logical thinking. But, it is seen many a times that visual thinking proves to be a great asset to do away with creative block. After all, it is better not to focus on one specific form of thinking language.
Induce Flexibility in Your Strategy
It is seen that although we waste much time in making a strategy choice, it is finally often our intuition that makes us do the right thing at the right time. So, whether you are working individually or as a team, it is always good to follow your intuition at times and be flexibility with your strategy. Remember, flexibility is one of the key aspects of a brilliant designer and an outstanding manager. You should be proud of what you have strategized not to do alongside what you have done
So in case you ever find yourself in a situation where you yourself entrapped, it’s wise to stay rational and undermine what your possibilities. Make a note and jot down the good and the bad aspects of each solution. This is where flexibility work wonders during the creative thinking process.
Right Information is Crucial
Most of the time, lack of information and communication is found to be the reason for majority of creative blockages. So it is always effective to define the problem so that the correct information is sourced at the onset; because if in case some of the information received in incorrect, then it puts at risk everything you design – derailing the entire process.
Always prepare a set of queries for your design clients before you start with your project. Allow your clients to be more specific as to what their exact project requirements are. It is also equally important to have the right communication with your team members so that the expectations from the project are clear and the risk of errors is minimized.
Communication Skills is as important as Designing
When language proves to be inadequate for communicating an idea appropriately, consider resorting to mock-ups, wireframes, moodboards, etc. when pitching. Remember, designing is not only about creating great interface, it is also about selling your great idea – that involves having the right communication with your clients and customers.
However, it is also true that one of the worst possible creative blocks is experienced in having trouble with communication. Practice mock-conversations with the help of your fellow designers or in front of a mirror. Because it is practice that will make you perfect the art of communication.
So, are you ready to overcome your intellectual creative block? Do let us know if imbibing the aforementioned tips have proved to be helpful for you.
Author Bio: Ellis is a Digital Marketing Manager at leading Web & Mobile Apps Development Company. He is very much expert in Content Writing, Social Media Marketing and Online Reputation Management. Right now he is working for VITEB – Web Development Company; having expertise in Magento Website Development, PHP Web Development and Magento eCommerce Development.