With over 3 billion people (almost half the world’s population) signed up to some form of social media, it’s no surprise that 74% of shoppers make purchasing decisions based on social media factors, such as brand presence and peer recommendations.

With these impressive stats in mind, it’s clear how significant the role your business’s social media profiles can play in your overall brand success. But with upwards of 88% of companies using social media for marketing purposes, making your business stand out is paramount. That’s why we’ve put together a list of four ways to make your business profile pop.

  1. Put a face to your brand

Whether you’re updating your company Facebook page or your LinkedIn profile, don’t underestimate the power of putting a face to your company. Studies have shown that individuals generally relate better to trustworthy faces than trademarks.

Adding semi-professional but candid photos to your pages will instantly make your brand more relatable, as you can see from this crunchbase profile. The type of picture you chose should also give potential customers a sense of your company’s values. For example, if your brand is all about community, including a snapshot of your sales team participating in a charity run is a great way to highlight your giving spirit and generate a sense of goodwill toward your business.

  1. Re-write your headline

For business profiles on sites like LinkedIn, one of the first things people see when they view your profile is your headline. So, instead of sticking to the generic headline of your current position and company, attract attention from potential investors, influencers and customers by spicing things up a bit. One way to do this is to inject a little humor, such as “cut me and I bleed content.” Another is to avoid relying on overused buzzwords, like “motivated” or “passionate.” For added benefit, slot a few well-placed keywords in there that’ll help your brand come up in relevant searches, such as your local city.

  1. Post consistently

It doesn’t matter how good your profile picture or headline is if you don’t post consistently. How often a business updates and posts to its page is a good indication of how responsive and professional it is. For example, a poorly maintained profile with unanswered customer comments and outdated content suggests that your brand is mismanaged and not committed to offering a high standard of customer care. It may also discourage like-minded brands and individuals from reaching out to your company to pursue lucrative partnerships. Put simply, your posting regularity and quality will help others determine how serious you are about your business.

  1. Use more images

Regardless of which social media platform you’re using, research has consistently found that images are key when it comes to creating a buzz for your brand. For example, Facebook posts that contain visual content see 2.3 times the amount of engagement than text posts.

Tweets follow the trend, gaining 150% more retweets when they contain images. Using images on your business profile won’t simply encourage engagement and amplify “likes,” it will also help your fan base better understand the goods and services you’re offering and how they set you apart from your competitors. Studies have shown that when people hear information, they generally only remember 10% just 3 days later. However, if that information is paired with a relevant image, up to 65% of the information is retained. This highlights the power images have to cement your message and service in the mind of your target market.

What are you waiting for? Using these four simple tips, you’ll be able to give your business’s social media profiles a boost almost instantly.

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