STDU Viewer helps to open a file of almost any format in which a document is saved or an ebook. Thanks to the free program STDU Viewer, you can observe the following file formats:
You can read more about these formats on Wiki Ext.
The installation process of STDU Viewer
The “User Information” window pops up, where you will be prompted to enter your name and surname. If desired, this field can be left empty, the main thing is to check the box “I will not use STDU Viewer for commercial purposes”, then click on the “Next” button.
In the field “Integration into the shell”, you should choose those types of extensions of the files with which the files in the STDU Viewer program will be associated. In the case when there will be an association with certain types of file extensions, then files of specific formats can be opened by the program STDU Viewer.
If a certain file on the PC is opened with another program that you don’t want to replace with the STDU Viewer, then you need to clear the checkboxes for those kinds of file extensions with the appropriate format.
At the end of the process of installing the STDU Viewer program on the PC, the Setup Wizard window will open, in which it’s required to click the “Finish” button.
The main points of using the program STDU Viewer
When STDU Viewer is installed on the computer, the main window will be opened.
You can enter the settings of the STDU Viewer program directly from the main menu “File” => “Application Settings”.
To manage the program itself, you can exploit the toolbar buttons or certain kinds of commands in the program menu.
On the left side of the menu is the navigation bar. Under the navigation panel is the area of switching between the panels “Bookmarks”, “Content”, “Backlight”, “Search”, “Sketches”. The side panel is removed by clicking on the button at the bottom left of the program window.
At the bottom of the software window in the middle is navigating through the pages. A little further, on the right side, there are buttons that switch the modes of viewing books or docs.
If you switch between panels, the contents of the navigation bar may change. Here you can find the table of contents, thumbnail images of the page, advanced searches, user-created bookmarks.
Below the toolbar, but above the area where the open document is located, there is a tab bar with open documents. On the right of the toolbar is the “Quick Search” field.
While exploiting the STDU Viewer program, it is possible to add several docs in a different format to the window of the program at the same time. To view these documents, it’s enough to simply switch tabs between each other.
The tabs can be made in different colors. To do this, select the “File” menu => “Program Settings” => “Settings” => “Tab View”, and then select the desired type of displayed tabs.
Using the program STDU Viewer in an open document, you can change the scale, or open several pages at the same time, in other words, you can perform any necessary actions with the document. A whole document or some specific pages can be sent for printing. The program STDU Viewer allows you to save a page or full text as an image or a file in the format of TXT.
The process of adding pages to bookmarks
In order for the STDU Viewer program to add the necessary page to the bookmarks, you need to click on the right mouse button on the page that is viewed at that moment. After clicking, the “Add bookmark” window pops up, in which you need to click on the “Ok” button.
The process of saving PDF to TXT
The first step is to open a PDF file using the “File” => “Open …” menu, or by clicking on the “Open” button on the toolbar. Then the Explorer window opens, in which the required file is selected and the “Open” button is pressed.
As a result, the desired PDF file will open in the STDU Viewer window.
After that, go to the “File” menu, and then click “Export” in the context menu. To export to text, select the sub-item “as text …”.
After all done actions, the “Export text” window will open, in which the necessary export parameters are selected. It is suggested to make a choice of exported pages – all, current or specific pages of specific numbers. Then you choose the place where you want to save the file and click the “Ok” button.
The pages that have been selected, or the entire PDF document, are exported to the TXT format.
In the same way, the DjVu format files, FB2, AZW, MOBI, ePub in TXT are saved.
Methods for converting DjVu to a graphic format
The program STDU Viewer gives you an opportunity to save a page in an open document as an image.
Consider the process of converting to a graphical format, taking as an example a DjVu file.
To perform this action, you first open the DjVu format file in the STDU Viewer program, then go to the File menu => “Open …”. The Explorer window opens, in which the DjVu format file is selected, and then the “Open” button is pressed.
After that, again go to the “File” menu, and in the context menu select “Export” => “as an image …”.
The “Export Image” window opens, in which the necessary settings are selected. It is possible to select files such as JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG, which will be converted, as well as the permissions. After all the manipulations are done, you need to click on the “Ok” button.
The copying process in STDU Viewer
To copy the text, you need first to press the “highlight text” button in the toolbar area. When the text is selected, click on the right mouse button in the program window. The context menu will provide options for saving text.
With simple copying, the text that is highlighted can be pasted into other programs – text editors, by saving the text in TXT format, or by sending it to email.
If you want to copy a fragment from an open document to an image, press the “Select Image” button on the toolbar. After that, click the right mouse button in the program window and choose the option for saving the image.
Simple copying saves the image to JPEG, and saving to a file allows you to choose the desired format – JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP.