It is quite a common practice for recent students to write reviews of the courses they have taken. As a rule, such assessments are either requested by schools, colleges, and universities or created for different online resources. In both cases, the main goal of a review is to give an insight into the program’s content. It is also important to provide objective feedback on its effectiveness.

What to do if you need to write a review of some design courses? Most likely, you’ll want to make it as helpful and extended as possible. However, it is not as easy as it sounds. Writing such a report can be somewhat challenging, which is why you may ask professionals at to write your paper or make any relevant changes. However, in this article, we will cover all the steps of writing such a piece.

Step-By-Step Guide for Writing a High-Quality Review

If at the end of the course you’ve been asked to write a review or want to share your experience with fellow students, the first thing to keep in mind is the structure of the text. It should be clear and easy to follow. At the same time, you should provide all the essential details without making the report too long.

Since we are talking about such a creative field as design, it is recommended to focus on the visual component of the program together with its content. Revealing the basic points such as price, homework, and simplicity of understanding is also important, but there is no need to draw too much attention to these points.

Below, you can find a detailed guide on how to create such a report:

Provide a General Overview

To make your follow-up on a specific design course detailed enough, start with providing a brief overview of the main points including:

  • title
  • subject area
  • coordinator
  • level
  • catalog No.
  • number of students and their distribution
  • price

These are essential points that should be covered at the beginning of your report. Such details will give potential students a better understanding of the course and the terms offered.

Depending on the type of the program you’ve taken, you may need to include additional details, so feel free to do that.

Focus on the Program’s Content

The most important part of your report is the evaluation of the course’s outline and content. This will be the most valuable part of the text.

Here, a recent student should give a brief overview of the initially stated outline and then provide a detailed comparison with the actual content. Some of the most critical points to focus on are:

  • units’ content – what information is provided
  • delivery methods – is the information interesting/helpful, how clear and easy to understand are the lectures, how successfully the content is delivered to students
  • practical part – how does the program approach practicing gained skills, what resources and tools are used, what projects are assigned, etc.
  • learning outcomes – how well did the class perceive information, did they reach the results stated in the outline, etc.

You can finish this section with a brief assessment of the content’s effectiveness.


This is another point that should be covered. As was mentioned earlier, while writing a review on design courses, it is vital to reveal the visual component. In this part of the feedback, a student can focus on describing the set of graphic programs offered and the degree of their disclosure.

Additionally, you can mention other teaching materials used in the classroom, such as textbooks, online resources, tools, etc.

Students’ Performance and Feedback

It is excellent if you can reveal specific performance indicators and trends such as:

  • course results
  • enrollment trends
  • fail or success rates
  • student/staff ratio, etc.

Also, if it is possible to conduct surveys or polls with the rest of the group on how useful they found a particular course, do it. Such stats can also be helpful in your report.

Give an Objective Evaluation

Finally, a good report should be wrapped up with a clear assessment of the program’s success. In this part, you can focus on the initial objectives of the course and evaluate how those were achieved. A good idea would be to assess student workload and state whether it was aligned with the initial outline or not.

In the end, you can indicate some strengths and weaknesses of the program, and give some recommendations for further improvement (if it is appropriate).

Final Words

The role of course reviews in education is rather significant. Such feedback is beneficial for potential students and schools themselves. The learners can grasp the idea of a particular course and define whether it suits them or not. The facilities can use such feedback to create plans for improvement of their programs. Thus, it is better not to miss anything and provide a detailed review as possible!

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