“The road to success and the road to failure are almost the same”, – said Colin R. Davis. That works for inspiration in studying. You cannot be sure that you have done right all time, but you can do your best any time, and one day it will bring you to the highest level of mastery in creativity, studying, working, and in life at all. Keep reading, and it will let you know where to get inspiration for your studying marathon.
When we experience challenges in studying, we feel stuck in a rut and want to do nothing. Our life seems dark, and we are lost of light. The reason is not enough energy, and it looks like we have a lack of inspiration. Our motivation is at a zero level, and we need to find sources that pick up our power.
What should we do and where to get inspiration for studying? How to keep ourselves going and not ever really fall into a slump? How to minimize the time of procrastination and overall stay motivated and work hard throughout the entire studying? What is essential, and what should we do to be productive and gain more encouragement.
What is inspiration? We all know what is an inspiration, but how do we define it? If we type in what is an inspiration, we get over 48 million results. Here are some definitions of them, so we can come up with something that might make sense. The Oxford Dictionary defines inspiration as mentally stimulated to do or feel, especially to do something creative. The Webster’s definition is inspiration is the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions. The simplest explanation I found was that motivation is a person or thing that inspires. Is it helpful, no it isn’t? The bottom line is there’s no agreed-upon definition. It seems to have many such meanings as there are things that inspire us. Inspiration for studying is things that lift you up.
Psychologists Andrew J. Elliot and Todd M. Trash determined three main aspects of inspiration: evocation, approach motivation, and transcendence. The scientists noted, “The heights of human motivation spring from the beauty and goodness that precede us and awaken us to better possibilities.” Elliot and Trash developed The “Inspirational Scale” measures how often a person undergoes the inspiration day-to-day. The study showed that inspired people are more open to new possibilities and experiences. Moreover, they are more involved in their tasks.
Why is inspiration important in life? There are lots of reasons. The most important is because it is linked to well-being. The more a person feels inspired, the more sense of purpose and satisfaction she/he has with their life. Inspiration is also related to enhancing creativity, vitality, and optimism.
You need to find your inspiration if you have it – congratulation if you don’t have to start looking for it today as it is so important on your way to your dreams.
Five resources where to get inspiration for studying:
- Community. Join a community or find a student with the same goals and field of study. You can have people who understand you and deal with the same challenges. You can make appointments and do your tasks together, whatever they are easy or difficult. It helps to be organized, works harder, and be the most important to have the support and not give up. It was much easier to get your goals when you can exchange your experience with like-minded people.
- Successful cases. All we know that people inspire and motivate other people. Find people who went similarly and already achieved the aim. You can read their success story via Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, or you can write an e-mail to someone of them or have a talk about their experience. Till you don’t know real people, your brain thinks that it is so way off base and confusing. When you get it, it becomes real and not scary. You draw inspiration from understanding that someone has already done it.
- Inspiring workplace. Studying takes us plenty of your time. Therefore its matter the space you spend hours should be comfortable and encourage you to meet new challenges. The basic, make sure that that desktop and seat are comfortable, you have enough light during the day in your room. If you do not, it is time to renew your workplace and set it up for you to enjoy. A board opposite your desktop is the next power tool for inspiration. Take notes of goals, plans for week, months, and mark accomplished, your victories are incentive to go on. Pin on the board stuff that inspires you. Whatever you want, it can be a photo of successful people or quotes that motivate you. Check out RTJournal.org for letting your brain to inhale new ideas that would give you another emotional fling.
- Your achievements and plans. Remind and write down all your results, small and considerable success. It matters to note, the more, the better. Analyzing this list allows us to perceive our own capabilities and gives you the energy to move forward to your dreams. Understanding that you have already reached your goals, that you have done significant actions, inspires you. Of course, write down your goals for studying, divide them into small plans, set deadlines, and estimate your possibilities realistically. It helps to stay tuned and not to go into overdrive.
- Change of pace. Concentrating only on goals and plans might be stressful and overwhelming. Studying, doing tasks is fundamentally, but it is also essential to exhale and take a break after competing for a daily to-do-list or achieving a new goal. You should take recover from your challenges and do things that fill you with energy and inspire you. Travel to a new town, go on a trip to the seaside, to the mountains, go dancing, drawing, have time with yourself, friends, family or strike up new acquaintances and so on. All this stuff helps you recover and continue harder.
So, inspiration is those things that led to up, give you a feeling of enthusiasm, and moves you forward. The most important is to find your inspiration for studying. When you feel truly inspired by you, feel energized, motivated, and driven. Inspiration can come from many places: people, work, art, and nature. We reviewed five items where to find inspiration for fulfilling your studying goals. There are a community, successful cases, achievements and objectives, and changes of pace.